Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Diet and Exercise Blah Blah Blah


See that?  That up there, that GIANT FREAKIN ZERO?  Yep, that's from my last month...Yes, MONTH of diet and exercise and trying to get myself back to a regular human size.  A size that is on a chart other than the scary red terrible BMI chart.  Now, I'm not buying my dresses from the tent maker huge here, but I am 3 babies and 5 years of no exercise worth of overweight.  

My efforts have not all been for naught.  I have lost 2 in from my waist & 3 in from my hips so something is working.  I would like to know where these inches are going though if that precious little frog is stuck at zero??  Maybe I should start tracking my ankle size....

Anyhow, I've started taking a Zumba class which I really like.  I find myself much more disciplined to exercising for an entire hour when I have peer pressure and I forked over $5.00.  I think that my favorite thing about the class is that I finally get some me time.  That is something that has been seriously lacking in my life for a long time.  I'm the person who does everything for everyone.  I'm the "hey we need 115456784514568473 cookies for a bake sale tomorrow can you do it? : We need an office party organized for tomorrow oh yeah and we need you to make 12354684605415 cupcakes.; Hey mom, I would really like it if you where the team manager this year;  Hey mom can you come on my field trip tomorrow?; Hey, I'm having a candle party an hours drive from your house tomorrow, in the middle of winter, in western NY you'll be there right?  And btw can you bring a dish to pass?"  I think you get the point.  I seriously can't say no to anyone.  I'm the facilitator.  What I'm working on is finding ways to facilitate some time for myself and my interests.

I'm finding myself much more zen lately, I think that having a physical outlet like my class is really helpful.  Now, I'm too frugal to pay for class twice a week even though it's offered on Sunday and Tuesday. $10.00 per week x 4 weeks a month = not happening.  So, I've been trying to walk or do a workout video after the darling hockey players are in bed.  Although, I think that some nights bedtime could be classified as cardio for the number of times I have to put the escape artist back into his bed.  I'm really working on not having guilt that I'm missing time with them.  I get this feeling that since I work out of the house that I need to spend every other waking minute of the day doing things for them or with them.  I'm working on knowing that taking a half an hour to an hour each day just for me will somehow teach them that I value myself as a person.

Hopefully that little froggy will begin hopping along the trail here very soon.  If not, do not be surprised if there is a future blog post titled " sitting on living room floor surrounded by peanut butter cup wrappers".